Why Choose Us ?

For all those who have attended, are attending, and have return to attend the Diving of the MYTHICAL DARIO FERRARI ........ who appreciate the quality of him and his collaborators, and have listened to his breafing, his advice and suggestions to obtain the maximum satisfaction that only our sea is able to give us. Two large super-equipped dinghies are available for any request. The PUNTA MESCO shop provides you with quality equipment: diving, boating. For your test reviews you are in excellent hands. The past as Thecnical Sevice Manager at Scubapro and now as Mares are a guarantee of quality on underwater products.
Diving Punta Mesco provides you with NITROX, up to a percentage of 50%, and pure oxygen up to 100%, with an electronic control unit and CEapproved equipment. In addition, the organization created: diving, school, underwater work, civil protection, equipment shop, nautical assistance, landlords and apartments "IL VELIERO", provides you with: complete logistics, fun and relaxation. The holiday home and the Il Veliero rooms are family owned and are open all year round in a quiet area and a few steps from the sea, for divers and non-divers. Since 2018 also recognized with the Environmental Quality Mark, and committed to the sustainable development of the territory. For any clarification or information, call (0039) 3937585710, (0039) 0187807055, (0039)3488034570, or: https://www.ilveliero.com, https://www.puntamescodiving.c